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Our Departments
Accounting - ACTG
Activities - ACT
Administrative Management - AMG
Administrative Management - AMGT
Agriculture - AG
Alcohol Dependency - AD
American Indian Studies - AIS
Applied Heath - AHS
Art - ART
Art - ARTH
Art - ARTZ
Astronomy - PHYS
Automotive - AST
Automotive - AT
Automotive - AUTO
Automotive Diesel Technology - ADTI
Biology - BIOL
Biology - BIOM
Biology-Environmental - BIOE
Biology-General - BIOB
Biology-Human - BIOH
Building Trades - BT
Business - BU
Business - MSU-N - BUS
Business Finance - BFIN
Business-General - BGEN
Business-Management - BMGT
Business-Marketing - BMKT
Chemical Addiction Studies - CAS
Chemistry - CHEM
Chemistry - CHMY
College Prep - CP
Communications - COMX
Computer Applications - CAPP
Computer Science - CSCI
Computer Technology - CT
Construction-Building Trades - CSTN
Continuing Education Units - CEU
Creative Writing - CRWR
Criminal Justice - CJ
Criminal Justice - CJUS
Cultural Arts - CA
Diesel Technology - DST
Drama - DRMA
E-Commerce - EC
Earth Science - ESCI
Economics - ECNS
Economics - ECON
Educ Psych-MSU-N - EDPY
Education - EDU
Education - EDUC
Education MSU -B - EDCI
Education-Early Childhood - EDEC
Education-RMC - EDC
Electrical Fundmentals - ELCT
Electrical Lineworker - ELW
Electronics - ET
Emergency Care Provider - ECP
English - EN
English - ENG
Environmental Safety - OSHA
Environmental Science - ENSC
Environmental Science - ENVS
Foundations - FND
Freshman Seminars - FRSH
Geography - GEOG
Geology - GEO
Geology - GEOL
Geoscience - GPHY
Graphic Design - GDSN
Health & Phys Ed - HPE
Health - HLTH
Health - HTH
Heavy Equipment - HE
Heavy Equipment - HEO
History - HIST
History-American - HSTA
History-World - HSTR
Human Services - HS
Humanities - HUM
Humanities - LSH
Industrial Arts - IA
Industrial Technician - IT
Information Technology - ITS
Integrated Liberal Studies-RMC - ILS
Journalism - JOUR
Learning Center - LC
Legal - LEG
Library - LIB
Literature - LIT
Machine Technology - MT
Management-U of Mary - MGT
Math-RMC - MAT
Mathematics - M
Mathematics - MATH
Media Arts - MART
Music - MUS
Music - MUSI
Native American Language - NASL
Native American Studies - NAS
Native American Studies - NASX
Natural Resources Science - NRSM
Natural Science - NSCI
Network Systems - NTS
Nutrition - NUTR
P.E./Recreation - PER
Philosophy - PHIL
Philosophy/Religion-RMC - PHR
Photography - PHOT
Physical Science - PHSX
Physics - PHYSX
Physics-RMC - PHS
Political Science - PS
Political Science - PSCI
Pre-Engineering - EGEN
Psychology - PSY
Psychology - PSYX
Religious Studies - RLST
Science - SCI
Small Business Mgmt-MSU-N - SBM
Social Work - SW
Sociology - SOC
Sociology - SOCI
Spec Educ-MSU-Billings - SPED
Speech - SP
Statistics - STAT
Surveying - SU
Technical Adminstrative Skills - TASK
Technical Sales/Service-MSU-N - TSS
Technical Sciences - TSCI
Theatre Arts - THTR
Theatre Arts-RMC - THR
Tribal Law & Justice - TLJ
Truck Driving - TD
Truck Driving Certification - TDC
Truck Driving/Heavy Equipment - TDHE
Welding - WELD
Welding - WLDG
Writing - WRIT